28 avril 2014 1 28 /04 /avril /2014 11:19

Depuis qu'Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) a quitté Doctor Who, il a eu divers autres rôles comme dans la série Broadchurch ou la pièce Once.

Seulement voilà, certains fans continuent à l'enfermer dans le rôle du compagnon du Docteur et mari d'Amy Pond sans vouloir s'intéresser au reste...et l'acteur commence à en avoir assez. Il a donc décidé d'expliquer cela avec humour en chantant une parodie version Doctor Who de "Let it Go" (Frozen) sur BBC Radio 1. Vous pouvez l'écouter ci-dessous, avec les paroles.

Paroles :

Wherever I go people say to me, "Hey, are you that guy?
Doctor who’s companion, Rory Williams", and I sigh.
I want to tell them there is more to me than this,
I’m not just a bloke riding a Tardis,
I am an actor in a fable, I didn’t get captured by a weeping angel,
You need to know my own story,
I’m not Rorryyyy.
Let it go, let it go, I’m not in Doctor Who anymore,
Let it go, let it go, because now I’m treading the boards,
I am in a West End play,
It’s called Once and tickets are available every day.
It’s true, I know Matt Smith, we’ve battled some villains,
The Daleks weren’t the worst ones – that was Karen Gillan.
People they shout "EXTERMINATE!" when they see me, it really isn’t great,
All that it needs is a Google search to see that I’m in Broadchurch.
Let it go, let it go, you won’t see me at ComicCon,
Let it go, Jesus, let it go – my sapphire days are gone,
I am a real actor, I can sing as well,
My agent is contactable every day.


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Sc-Fi days, pas Sapphire!


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